Not All Meat Is Created Equal

The “Golden Beef” that Contains 3 to 5 Times More of This Cancer-Fighting Substance

By Dr. Mercola

A study done a few years ago found that ex-vegetarians outnumber current vegetarians by a ratio of three to one. This suggests that 75 percent of vegetarians lapse.

A survey shows that most former vegetarians are women (as many vegetarians are) who had been vegetarians for an average of nine years when they reverted. Most originally went vegetarian due to concerns about the treatment of animals, and most returned to meat because of reasons such as declining health, logistical hassles, social stigmas, and meat cravings.

According to Time Magazine:

“… [T]he latest form of animal activism is … only eating ethical, sustainable meat … Sustainable meat-eating is particularly suitable for those who return to omnivorism because of health problems”.

There’s tremendous controversy about what type of diet is best – and whether or not meat is an essential part of anyone’s diet. Many promote vegetarianism for everyone, but this one-size-fits-all diet advice will do some people far more harm than good.

Personally, I would never argue with someone refusing to eat a particular food based on their spiritual convictions. It’s your right to choose what you want to eat. However, I strongly believe there are health consequences for opting to avoid all animal protein. There’s strong clinical evidence indicating that few people can maintain optimal health on such a diet.

To me, a major anecdotal clue is the observations of people who actually seek to implement this practice. If it were what their body needed and they were thriving why would, 75 percent of vegetarians revert back to eating meat—oftentimes due to declining health?  This does not mean that many who follow a vegetarian diet aren’t healthy and thriving, but it certainly is a major indication that many find problems with it.

Why Vegetarianism Isn’t the Best Diet for a Majority of People

While I’ve previously discussed my own experience with vegetarianism, I’m not the only one who has experienced a decline in health as a result of shunning all animal protein. As mentioned above, many vegetarians who revert back to eating animal protein do so because they start having health problems. This isn’t all that surprising, considering the fact that protein is one of the basic building blocks your body needs to build, maintain, and repair your body tissues.

That said, I am not saying that everyone needs red meat, fish or poultry to stay healthy either… Other sources of high quality protein include raw organic dairy and eggs, which would not violate any ethical concerns about sacrificing animals for meats.

And regardless of your ethical leanings on animal rights, I strongly recommend avoiding meat from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). This type of meat is significantly inferior in quality and nutrition, and the harm will likely outweigh the benefit for most people.

My nutrition plan, which is divided into beginners, intermediate and advanced, can help you customize a diet that’s optimal for you. When making a decision about which foods to eat, there are a number of factors to consider:

Everyone needs fats, carbohydrates, and protein in order to thrive. However, the ratios of each of these will vary from person to person. For example, some thrive on very large amounts of vegetables and very little animal protein, while others need more protein and less vegetable carbs. The people who fare the worst on a vegetarian diet are those who require higher amounts of protein, as they’re depriving their bodies of essential fuel.

The quality of the meat (which is primarily determined by the way it was raised), and the way it is cooked will impact its health benefits.


4 responses to “Not All Meat Is Created Equal

  1. Suzana Megles

    How very very sad that there are so many ex-vegetarians. I find their reasons sad as well- declining health for one. If anything their health should have improved. I have been vegetarian/vegan for 30 years and I use no prescription drugs. I bet those converts to meat do.

  2. Pingback: The Progressive Mind » Not All Meat Is Created Equal | Food Freedom

  3. This is really bullshit! I think these people who claim their health was declining are in denial, or else they are very unimaginative cooks. There are so many recipes out there; Mexican, West Indian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, that do not need meat. I can’t believe that this author said that because we are mainly protein (actually water, maybe most Americans mostly fat!), so therefore we need protein. My horse is 1,000 pounds and he has never eaten meat. The foods that have the highest amount of protein? Actually, not meat. Try quinoa, beans and lentils. The protein triad of Latin America? Corn, beans and squash. We are just a silly, spoiled people who like meat. Admit it. And a very important fact that this author ommited: meat production is really bad for the planet ~ it uses up a lot of water and petro (fossil fuels) and is not an efficient means of getting protein. Even back in the ’50s, Einstein stated that “Nothing can benefit the planet more and benefit human health more than the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” I think this author should do a lot more research in this area and quit the weak health excuses. You are just not that committed to saving the planet and tell yourself that its ok if I eat meat as long as the animal didn’t get shots or eat corn. Not very honest. Its still meat and its still high in cholesterol and it still causes suffering in animals and its production still damages the earth, but hey, it tastes goood! Can we please have more intelligent articles posted on here? This is really ridculous!

  4. This statement by the author “Other sources of high quality protein include raw organic dairy and eggs, which would not violate any ethical concerns about sacrificing animals for meats” is incorrect. The dairy industry, whether organic or not, is in some ways even worse then beef production because the calves are taken away from the mothers within a couple of days,after birth, sometimes within mere hours, causing both mother and baby extreme distress, and the males are either outright killed or live in horrid conditions tied inside tiny crates were they can’t even turn around and are ultimately killed for veal.The cows are sent to slaughter after a few years (in as little as 6-8 years, but no matter how many, it is FAR LESS then their natural 20-25+ year life span) once they are ‘spent’ and their milk production goes down….organic farm and factory farm alike,…they are still killed…not turned out in some idyllic pasture somewhere to live out the rest of their lives. Hens in organic farms are also killed once egg production goes down and baby male chicks are killed (just like the males of the bovine species) because they are considered ‘useless’ and farmers don’t want to waste money feeding them so they are ‘disposed’ of.

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