Tag Archives: food safety enhancement act

The Festering Fraud behind Food Safety Reform

Mad%20CowBy Nicole Johnson

A New York Times article by Michael Moss provides a window into well-hidden meat industry practices that most find revolting, but omits critical information about today’s meat inspection process.  If we don’t grasp how the meat industry’s inspection process became an essentially unregulated, privatized affair, we are likely to allow Congress to pass food “safety” legislation that will serve global cartels but do nothing for the safety of the US food supply.

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HR 2749: Totalitarian Control of the Food Supply


By The Writers’ Collective


A new food safety bill is on the fast track in Congress-HR 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009.  The bill needs to be stopped.

HR 2749 gives FDA tremendous power while significantly diminishing existing judicial restraints on actions taken by the agency.  The bill would impose a one-size-fits-all regulatory scheme on small farms and local artisanal producers; and it would disproportionately impact their operations for the worse. Continue reading