Canada defeats GMO hazard legislation

By Rady Ananda

By a vote of 178 to 98, on February 9th, Canada’s House of Commons defeated Bill C-474, an Act that would have required an analysis of potential harm to export markets before permitting the commercialization of any new genetically engineered seed. Organic farmers now fear the collapse of the wheat and alfalfa markets, since Canada’s export markets reject biotech food.

Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth) and leader of Canada’s New Democrats, expressed his disappointment in an email promising to “continue to take every opportunity to pressure the government to initiate a public debate around genetic engineering and to use a precautionary approach to this important issue.”

Layton advised, “In spite of Bill C-474’s defeat, New Democrats will continue to press the following initiatives:

Bill C-370: Mandatory labeling for genetically modified foods (text of bill)

Bill C-353: ban on the use of ‘terminator seeds’ (text of bill)”

For the first time in the history of the House of Commons, a debate on genetic engineering was held despite attempts to thwart it by the biotech industry, reports Karen Stephenson. The debate on February 8 lasted five hours.

“Joe Comartin, MP for Windsor-Tecumseth, echoed the words that many Canadians agree with. He said, ‘If we don’t stop the four multi-nationals (Monsanto, DuPont, Bayer and Syngenta), they will own all the food production on this planet,’” Stephenson reported.

Defeat of C-474 coincides with the complete deregulation of GM alfalfa in the US. Insiders report that President Obama ordered USDA chief Tom Vilsack to remove the requirement for any buffer zones between natural alfalfa and its franken-version.  Scientists expressed dismay that this decision guarantees genetic contamination of natural plants, since alfalfa is a perennial crop whose tiny seed can travel for miles.

This will destroy the U.S. organic beef and dairy industry which relies on natural alfalfa for its animals.  Given that Obama’s Administration is stacked with former employees of Monsanto, that appears to be his goal.

The Center for Food Safety is preparing a lawsuit to block this deregulation.

16 responses to “Canada defeats GMO hazard legislation

  1. Yes I hope a lawsuit will at least delay GMO alfalfa. THis is insane; please continue to spread the word. People are still oblivious. My own sister who grows all sorts of vegetables and cans them, uses Round-up on her poison Ivy (not in the garden) . She thinks I am some sort of alarmist.

    • Wow, Marj ~ Round-up causes cancer, birth defects, asthma, and is linked to decline of pollinating insects.

      Chemicals are killing the earth, and us along with it.

  2. I frequent the newsboard at Care2. The stories about Monsanto and GM frankenfoods that come across a newsboard of 15 million members worldwide concerned with environment and health are nothing short of alarming, astonishing and horrendous.
    Sign up and search the site – free – if you have any interest.
    I index my personal surfing and run a record of what I pick up on RSS feed aggregators. Corporate Farming is one file in the Topical Index at

  3. Pingback: The Progressive Mind » Canada defeats GMO hazard legislation | Food Freedom

  4. Interesting to see the quote from the MP for Windsor-Tecumseh, Joe Comartin. He is of course, a member of the New Democratic Party (NDP), the party that introduced the defeated bill on GMO. I was born and grew up near Windsor, and it is prime agricultural land: very flat, very fertile.

  5. heavy clay soils there, I read

  6. They know nothing! They do not care as long as it makes lots of money.

  7. Mr. J. H. C.(Tabucur) Lyrette

    Environmental hazards

    “Our current knowledge does not provide us with the means to predict the ecological long-term effects of releasing organisms into the environment. So it is beyond the competence of the scientific system to answer such a question…

    The number of possibilities how the release of Genetically Engineered organisms into the environment may upset the ecology is very large. The possible complications are extremely difficult to evaluate. With few exceptions, governments all over the world are allowing the release of GE organisms into nature without requiring careful scientific investigation of the environmental consequences.

    This is nothing less than blind experimentation with the environment with unknown and unpredictable consequences, especially as the released genes cannot be recalled.

    “… some GMOs can possess genuinely new characteristics that may require greater scrutiny than organisms produced by traditional techniques of plant and animal breeding. Since long-term ecological impacts of GMOs may be extremely difficult to predict or study prior to commercialization, ESA strongly recommends a cautious approach to releasing GMOs into the environment.”

    For more info goto:

    Please See: 10 reasons why we don’t need GM foods.

    Monsanto’s Roundup triggers over 40 plant diseases and endangers human and animal health, January 14, 2011

  8. Deborah Lynne Geno

    Go for the lawsuit. GMO is nasty.

  9. I am reminded of the how to books for “dummies”.
    We literally have GMOs for DUMMIES! Surely the Monsanto dummies know what they are doing and do not care what the results are beyond their own wallets and power.
    Judging the rate of our success in protecting the food supply, our words and complaints and objections are not stopping them.
    Are all of you fighting with your dollars – just do not buy their garbage? And buy heirloom. organic, non-GMO garden seeds, whether you plant them or not. Keep them in cold, dark storage. Build a greenhouse.
    Visit me here to learn about GMOs, Pesticides, and Insecticides.

    Visit me here to learn about GMOs, Pesticides, and Insecticides.
    Visit my blog for a Boycott GMOs project. It is too long to post here.

  11. This might be too long, but I bring truth and hope(I Hope)!

    This is nothing less than blind experimentation with the environment with unknown and

    unpredictable consequences, especially as the released genes cannot be recalled.

    We literally have GMOs for DUMMIES! Surely the Monsanto dummies know what they are doing and do

    not care what the results are beyond their own wallets and power.

    If one has read or seen some of the key books and movies about how the world really works

    (Manufacturing Consent, Corrupt to the Core, Seeds of Destruction, Money as Debt or Money Masters,

    The Corporation, etc.).

    Then one has knowledge of come to accept even a minor list of “conspiracy theories” which are now

    easy to verify as true(Business Plot, Operation Ajax(Iran/Mossadegh/Blowback), faked Gulf of

    Tonkin, Tuskegee Syphilis Study, MK-Ultra, Operation Mockingbird, COINTELPRO, Iran-Contra, etc.)

    Finally add a dash of psychoanalytical knowledge at least including Robert Hare’s work/books

    (Snakes in suits, etc.) and the Milgram’s Experiment on Obedience to Authority or similar studies.

    Then push away from the shore and if it helps use some apt movie analogies or quotes like from the

    Matrix or the Usual Suspects and shake off the fog and begin to realize the truth throughout

    history as now except with far deadlier tools:

    The above list is just a few since 1900s and knowing and accepting the truth of events on just a

    small number of them actually puts most people in a worse state of confusion as both the motives

    or means seems almost alien, inhuman or that no normal feeling human being with a soul could plan

    or execute such things against their fellow humans….which is actually true!

    A good additional reference is the series “Ancients Behaving Badly” which covers the events of

    historic figures such Julius Caesar, Caligula, Genghis Khan and ends each episode with

    [psychiatric profiling will help us to piece together what was going on inside their heads…on

    our unique Ancients Behaving Badly Psychograph].

    It is hard for normal humans to even contemplate such evil individually…let alone the pattern

    indicated by their combined tapestry, but what if 2-5% of society were not like the rest of us,

    but more like “Vampires” lacking in conscience or empathy on a clinical and likely genetic level

    that sees the rest of us as cannon fodder or “food”?

    Clinically these would typically be called Psychopaths or Narcissists(NPD) and neither is a

    laughing matter despite any media quips and maybe on 2-5% of that 2-5% are the physically violent

    types we wrongly think they are all…most are walking around and not all are Machiavelli or

    Stalin. These type of personality disordered people are almost incapable of conceiving of

    consequences, see us as less than lab rats and while the scientist working for them may tell or

    warn them of consequences…they literally are unable to care about anything behind their own

    short term needs and power and despise us for our annoying emotions that impairs our voluntary


    They have been using normal human psychological reactions to things like authority long before

    Milgram confirmed our compliance or movies like Gaslight were made. Only once you let go of your

    conditioning and analyze the skewed views from “people” like these does both the threat and our

    challenge make sense:

    They may only want docile slaves…poisoned or drugged involuntarily by their food supply,

    dependent on their authority and control of management drugs, food, shelter, water and

    heating/cooling. They might be willing to risk or wreck the biosphere to “trim the herd” on a

    grand scale using multiple tactics…for example with large numbers of pseudoestrogens as in the

    documentary “The Disapppearing Male” which indicates extinction warnings(but avoids the additional

    Cancer linkage). What if these so called accidents or side-effects of “profit” were either a

    secondary or primary goal for us normal humans? As they said in the moving V for Vendetta, “Would

    you really want to know?”…the farther you go down the rabbit’s hole based merely on facts.

    Unplug your perception by separating from what you think you know and is accepted, but holding on

    tight to logic and critical thinking. For example that saying about “Power corrupts”…is

    completely backwards…the truth is: “The corrupt seek power and the absolutely corrupt seek

    absolute power!” Without us norms to balance these types out they will inevitably destroy or

    implode things even no meaning too…merely for their lack of mental capabilities tied to their

    personality disorder. They cannot think of consequences and have no conscience and do not believe

    in the concept of truth.

    Now the good news! Althought we are in great peril by putting the tools of our own destruction in

    their hands(generally they are unable to be scientists or engineers or generate ideas too…we do

    that), but this is also the opportunity of more than 5,000 years as we can not clinically and

    technologically identify such people and possible develop a cure or at least quick detection

    method. At the very least we can redesign our societal systems to prevent them from getting much

    control by ensuring the 95% has majority control…not just meaningless votes.

    Their systems are teetering on collapse(esp. their political/financial/monetary), but left to

    their own they might wipe out the planet or most of us trying to protect themselves or their

    power(even more than up to current). Act locally…think globally! Since they have inserted themselves and pushed out the norms in positions of power at all levels of society…once enough recognize them at a local level…you can create real change that cannot be hijacked. A mere 20-25% of coordinated non-violent Ghandi-like resistance could quickly take down their systems as our voluntary submission is their only real power and only that 2-5% is naturally violent contrary to other lies. Even programmed norms made into obedient soldiers can be turned back if given hope, but likely not without some losses.

    We have 10-years max, maybe 5-7 years or less before their actions on us or the biosphere may be irreversible and chain react to extinction and a dead world. Some have ideas…others have plans…can you wake-up and wake-up those locally and recreate the communities needed for action? I thought we had until the robots or around 2055, but the damage and their actions are accelerating, so closer to 2020, maybe 2015-2018 (P.S. 2012 is baloney or psyop or possibly staged baloney, but less real than a movie.)

  12. Sorry for the messed up spacing, but I forgot to turn off word-wrap before I pasted. Had a few typos, but the most important correction is:

    “we can not clinically and technologically identify such people”

    …should have been …

    “we can now clinically and technologically identify such people”

    Here is a nice like with a video to give a clearer idea:
    Corporate Psychopaths:

  13. yeah, Richard ~ we need to reduce the human population starting with all those with wealth in excess of $10 million.

    I imagine with them gone, most of the ecocide would stop dead.

  14. Pingback: Canada defeats GMO hazard legislation

  15. Hello..
    My First Comment..
    Great.. And Useful article..

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