Maine passes Joint Resolution on state food sovereignty

From Representative Aaron Libby
House District 139

A Joint Resolution on Maine State Food Sovereignty passed unanimously [on June 10]. In essence a Joint Resolution has “no teeth” and does nothing. However I believe very strongly that this can and will send a message to the Federal government that we disapprove of their over regulation. I will push for as much as I can for media coverage but I need your help! This resolution will only be a success if the people hear of it. Please spread the word!


WHEREAS, according to the Declaration of Independence, all people “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”; and

WHEREAS, food is human sustenance and is the fundamental prerequisite to life; and

WHEREAS, the basis of human sustenance rests on the ability of all people to save seed and grow, process, consume and exchange food and farm products; and

WHEREAS, it is our obligation as elected representatives of the people of Maine to protect the fundamental freedoms as enshrined by the Constitution of Maine and the United States Constitution and to protect agricultural, ecological and economic diversity and sustainability for a free and healthy society; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED: That We, the Members of the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Legislature now assembled in the First Regular Session, on behalf of the people we represent, and in recognition of our State’s proud agricultural heritage, take this opportunity to oppose any federal statute, law or regulation that attempts to threaten our basic human right to save seed and grow, process, consume and exchange food and farm products within the State of Maine.

Maine Legislative Pages:

Rep. Libby is a farmer on a family owned farm. He has worked for large national corporations and small businesses including audio/video specialist, loss prevention and food preparation. He was selected to the Maine Pomological Societies Executive Committee, selected one out of ten for the United States Apple’s ‘Young Grower’s Intitiative’ in Washington D.C. He is a graduate of Massabesic High School.

15 responses to “Maine passes Joint Resolution on state food sovereignty

  1. HUZZAH!!!!

  2. Pingback: Maine passes Joint Resolution on state food sovereignty (via Food Freedom) « Minnesota Coalition for Food Sovereignty

  3. If my town council of Albany, IN thinks I’m a paranoid geezer, why has Maine’s legislature passed a resolution in favor of food sovereignty vs. the parasitic controllers of WA,DC?

  4. Pingback: The Progressive Mind » Maine passes Joint Resolution on state food sovereignty | Food Freedom

  5. It’s odd that this act (and especially the description of It in this posting) so strongly emphasizes regulation as the problem, as if government (rather than corporations) were the main impetus behind the monopolization of seed. Government has certainly been the handmaiden of Monsanto, et al, but the root of the problem is clearly in the private sector.

    • but, JK, the government is owned by corporations. There is no difference. We live under “corporatism” — which was Mussolini’s term for fascism.

  6. Having been a part of writing the Vermont Resolution for Food Sovereignty (which this Resolution was clearly influenced by) I am a bit disappointed to see the references to corporate practices and infringements from whatever sources are contrary to the people left out. The fact is, Monsanto men and women have been in positions of influence in and around our government for decades. These “private-sector” evil doers then become public sector tyrants, influencing and crafting policy that benefits THEIR interests.

    Had “corporate practices” or any reference to corporate anything been included I doubt the Resolution would have passed unanimously. Would be nice to know who agreed only because of that omission or because they were assured this “had no teeth”.

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  13. Pingback: Maine passes Joint Resolution on state food sovereignty | Health Impact News

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