Chemtrails, Monsanto & Olgacom connection explained; Whistleblower’s friends threatened

By Alenka Wacek
Olgacom Scandal

This video explains the connection of the new world order to the waste dump and geoengineering by big companies, Royal DSM, China Sinochem, Monsanto as Olgacom Project.

For more information see my website
also please sign my petition

Threat email from Olgacom
June 19, 2011

Today I get this email from an address. They know that I can publish this email, it shows that they do not care because nobody can get to them anyway. They are not in Poland only but on several countries, most in Asia. We need more people to sign the petition so that I can go to Polish parlement and ask them about this. You can sign here:

Here is the precise text:

Miss Wacek, I want to remind you that you signed a confidentiality agreement. We are currently monitoring your online behavior and recommend you to no longer engage in these activities. Think of your friends.

Kind Regards,
R. Vanderbilt

I checked the IP address of the sender and it is from Internet company in Denmark, same as the Olgacom website.

I did indeed sign condfidentiality agreement, but I feel that people need to know truth instead of keeping mouth shut. I keep a copy of this, I photograph so you can see it: (image)

I will not stop getting you the information to make up your mind and help stop this global attack on our health. I have taken some documents when I left Olgacom, and will publish them, may be even to Wikileaks if they want.

8 responses to “Chemtrails, Monsanto & Olgacom connection explained; Whistleblower’s friends threatened

  1. Pingback: The Progressive Mind » Chemtrails, Monsanto & Olgacom connection explained; Whistleblower’s friends threatened | Food Freedom

  2. Keep up the good fight, and thank you for sharing this important information. I would be interested in knowing what you found out on the inside of this company.

  3. Thank you for posting this most important information. Please get any paperwork you feel is important posted on the internet so it can go viral. This connection to Monsanto and China is most informative. Most of the fluoride that is going into the drinking water of the United States is being manufactured in unregulated factories in China. Also most paper products coming from China contain BPA. The world is being poisoned through food, water and now the air. Thank you again for your video… UA

  4. Pingback: Our Bazaar and unnatural skies due to chemtrails (photos) « Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

  5. Since 2006 we are running a petition within the Netherlands to collect 40.000 signatures for a citizensinitiative so it must be part of th agenda of Dutch Parlement. If you are a Dutch citizen, please sign this petition. Stop Chemtrails Now!

    Keep up the good work, Elbert Westerbeek.

  6. I support this petition against chemtrails GeoEngineering The Dutch Parliament have to investigate n look into this issue seriously The World should be a nice lovely place without this toxic chemtrails

    • targetedindividualsingapore

      I am also another targeted individual from singapore.May I know your direct email contact so we can meet up and support one another?

  7. I pray that Olgacom wont contaminate our drinking water n food we consume n atmosphere we breathe in Think of our children n innocent ppl who are suffering due to this filthy air food n our water supply I really hope they stop poisoning us civilians The World is so unsafe everywhere

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