Tag Archives: FDA approved

The 6 Most Horrifying Lies the Food Industry Is Feeding You

By Pauli Poisuo

If there’s one thing in the world the food industry is dead set against, it’s allowing you to actually maintain some level of control over what you eat.  See, they have this whole warehouse full of whatever they bought last week when they were drunk that they need to get rid of — and they will do so by feeding it all to you. And it doesn’t matter how many pesky “lists of ingredients” and consumer protections stand between you and them.
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Is Gulf Seafood Really Safe?

By Kate Sheppard
Mother Jones

In addition to efforts to convince us that the oil is all gone in the Gulf (it’s not), the government has been promoting the idea that seafood from the region is totally safe. Obama himself has been banging this drum, noshing on plenty of seafood during his trip to the region last week, serving it up at his birthday bash, and of course, taking a dip in the Gulf with his daughter.

But how safe is it really? A study published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that there may be good reason to be concerned about the long-term impacts, even if the seafood is safe for most people to eat right now.

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