Radiation Water: California has 180 times safe limit; Idaho 80 times

The Intel Hub
April 3rd, 2011

Officials at UC Berkeley have tested rain water that turned out to be 181 times the limit for drinking water. This is happening at the same time that our FAKE corporate media is telling the sheeple that there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

“As shown in the graphs published by UC Berkeley, Iodine-131 peaked at 20.1 becquerels per liter, a measure of radioactivity, on the roof of Etcheverry Hall during heavy rains a week ago. The federal maximum level of iodine-131 allowed in drinking water is 0.111 becquerels per liter,” The Bay Citizen reported Saturday.

In Boise, Idaho:

Elevated levels of radioactive material in rainwater have been expected as a result of the nuclear incident after the events in Japan since radiation is known to travel in the atmosphere – precipitation data collected by EPA in the states of California, Idaho and Minnesota have seen elevated levels of radiation in recent precipitation events.

Read the EPA report here.

Boise, Idaho rainwater 3/22/2011:

  • 11.2 pCi/L of Cs-134
  • 11.6 pCi/L of Cs-137
  • 242 pCi/L of I-131

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry for Iodine, CDC, April 2004:

EPA has set an average annual drinking water limit of 3 pCi/L for Iodine-131 so the public radiation dose will not exceed 4 millirem.

VIDEO: This is a POTENTIAL radiation release produced by officials within the Department of Atmospheric and Climate Research (ATMOS) at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU).

The Norwegian Institute for Air Research


19 responses to “Radiation Water: California has 180 times safe limit; Idaho 80 times

  1. You and your readers may also be interested in how to treat radioactively contaminated drinking water, one of the most pressing concerns in Japan and soon in regions further off:

    Dangers, Properties, possible Uses and Methods of Purification of radioactively contaminated (drinking) Water (e.g. in Japan)

    Maybe someone wants to help with Japanese and other languages?

  2. Serious questions: how concerned should one be if one is caught out in the rain, for, say, 30 minutes? How concerned should we be about the food growing in our backyards?

    • Not very, seems to be the consensus. As has been noted, the half-life of this particular type is about a week. Brief exposure over a limited time will likely be harmless. Dont drink gallons of rainwater and you should be fine. Heck, even then you would likely be fine. Take the doom-preachers with a grain or two of salt. They get off on spreading fear and misinformation. It’s a power-trip thing. Spreading wild stories garners attention, which they clearly need and crave.

  3. 1. I don’t know many people who drink rainwater. Do you?

    2. The contamination was with radioactive iodine. That has an extemely short half-life, so it will soon disappear.

    3. Keep up the scaremongering. You’ll fool most of the sheeple.

    • perhaps i am of the scaremongered sheeple, trying to break from the flock, seeking real information–for which, thanks! the dismissive manner in which it was delivered is really appreciated. i bet you win a lot of people over this way. i was concerned about absorption through the skin, etc. sorry for being such a dumbass. carry on.

      • Well, if you’re really concerned, how about doing some research to find some solid data on skin absorption?

        Unless your real motivation is seeking attention through wildly exaggerated claims.

        • mmmkay. i made no claims and seek no attention. i asked a question based on the fact that i was caught in the rain today. again, i apologize for offending everyone with my hideous ignorance. yes, i will do some research. i was hoping for some staring points, as this is not area with which i am familiar, and i also have a day job.

          • Drew~

            A little note about ‘shill-don 101’:

            He is going overseas shortly, to Japan, to share his scientific ‘calm’ with the afflicted ones there. He is one great humanitarian! He will be helping to safely dispose of the highly radioactive bodies (dead people still laying there near the Fukushima experiment), by digging very very DEEP holes. He is rolling up his sleeves now, flexing his scientifically derived and sustained muscles. We should be very grateful to ‘shill-don 101’ and to all others, like him.


    • well shel
      Rainwater falls on the pastures, the grass absorbs the water, the livestock eat the grass, radiation levels increase in the milk and meat. The main consumers of the milk are children.
      The rainwater falls on the vegetable fields and orchards. It’s absorbed by the plants and trees and enters the food chain.
      The half life of iodine is short and this article was about iodine. The other radioactive particles in the plume are much more persistent in the environment. We’re all connected.
      Nobody in the US is likely to drop dead immediately from the radiation coming from Japan, but the cumulative effect will present over the years. (like kids developing thyroid problems or increased cancer rates in their teens, 20’s or 30’s).
      One of the main points that most of us are trying to make is that the government agencies – that are supposed to be working in the public interest and the media – which is supposed to be reporting the FACTS cannot be totally trusted, because corporate interests have too much influence. Corporations have only one true purpose – profit. (If people realize how dangerous and expensive nukes can be, they might demand safer renewable energy and THAT might cost some corporate profits somewhere.)
      Some of us are even trying to get the sheeple to pay attention, stop being consumed by the drive to accumulate mounds of cheap, plastic crap and learn to do a little critical thinking. personally. I don’t want people to be afraid. I want them to be pissed off instead of pissed on.

  4. Have you read something about 1/3 of marine life, 1/3 of ships at sea, 1/3 terrestrial animals, and . . . 1/3 of humanity will drown, sink, die, and perish? These outrageous predictions can be found in a little known pamphlet of 22 installments written by a lunatic who worked in a salt mine on an island not far from Greece. ‘Beware of Greeks bearing gifts’. To my recollection, the island was known as Patmos.
    Have you read that slender novella? The author is either a terrorist, a chicken Little, an evil propagandist, or all three. Was he a henchman for some old world disorder? And who commissioned the 90 year old geezer to write his incendiary words and when he wrote them? Hmm. His boss was quite a powerful and a wealthy person. I think the man penned the manuscript about 2,000 years ago. I’ve read it several times, for it is difficult to understand it with only a cursive scan. Nonetheless, the saga is, frightening, X-rated for profanity and violence, and much spilled blood—more scary than Stephen King’s stuff. If you own one, you can find the creepy proclamations at the end of compendium within a larger book. That book may be collecting dust in your garage, attic, or under the cushion in your Lazy Boy.
    The book is titled the ‘Holy Bible’. The 66 collections of smaller books or pamphlets were authorized by the entity known as God. Amazingly, the entire collection was popular enough to be dubbed as a worldwide best seller—and still is. The author gave me his personal autograph, not in the book, but in my heart. Have you asked Him to inscribe His name in yours?

  5. Let’s see; GMOs that produce their own bacteria and herbicide from every cell in the plant, thousands of toxic chemicals in the food and drugs, toxic vaccines, chemtrails, fluoride (which is also used as rat poison) in the water AND the food, increasing radioactive contamination…nope; nothing to worry about here. Move along, citizen. Your government will take good care of you!
    With the apathy, indifference and complacency running wild, this society is not going to survive. Just because you’re still able to afford your triple shot latte at Starbuck’s, doesn’t mean everything is okay!

  6. Well said, Rady. The above are people who know nothing of biology, physics, physiology, etc., though they proclaim that they do! All of you above: raise your hand if you can do the math to actually figure out what HALF-LIFE means. Hmmm, no hands? Then go back to MSM.

  7. Stephen Santamaria

    I take no comfort in the fact that iodine 131 has a half-life of only 8 days. People tend to misinterpret what ‘half-life’ actually means, thinking that the radioactive substance disappears. Nope, it means it what it says: half of it goes away (after 8 days, in this case); half of what remains goes away in another 8 days, etc., etc. So it would take roughly 80 days for it to reduce to 1/1000 of its original amount. Add to this the fact that rad. iodine has a 100-day half-life in the human (and other) body.

    I remember a math puzzle about a flea at point A heading toward point B 10 feet away. Each jump it makes is half the remaining distance to point B (5 feet, then 2-1/2 feet, and so on). How many jumps does it take him to get where he’s going? The question is moot, since he never can get there.

  8. I would be really careful what I eat and drink because of the effects of radiation poisoning. I know the levels of radiation in rain water are high, even in the United States and Canada right now. It’s sad the the fish may be contaminated with radioactive iodine 131 and other contaminants. I’m choosing to be safe rather than really sick.

  9. All I know is I have had thyroid issues and 4 of my 5 daughters have neurological/autism issues. 2 with comorbid thyroid. I grew up in Idaho. WHAT THE **** happened? I am pissed off!!!

What do YOU think?