Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA

Food Freedom has deliberately refrained from posting any suggestion that Germany’s superbug is related to biowarfare, until further evidence emerged. Various sources now corroborate this story, including The Atlantic:

“On Tuesday [May 31], the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported that [leading German E. coli researcher Helge] Karch had discovered that the O104:H4 bacteria responsible for the current outbreak is a so-called chimera that contains genetic materia from various E. coli bacteria. It also contains DNA sequences from plague bacteria, which makes it particularly pathogenic.”

Though he emphasized “There is no risk, however, that it could cause a form of plague,” Karch added that plague DNA sequences make the superbug “particularly pathogenic.”

Also, it is interesting timing to note that the European Union banned herbal remedies on May 1, 2011. Below is Dr Rima Laibow’s summary of this developing story.

~ Ed.

By Dr Rima Laibow
Natural Solutions Foundation

They tell us the “Super bug E. coli 0104:H” is terrorizing Germany, causing otherwise healthy people to develop Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome (HUS) in which their kidneys fail, their red blood cells explode and then, tragically, they die.

Germ sleuths and clinicians alike have been even more horrified than the average Spanish cucumber eater (the vegetable pinned with the blame for the lethal outbreak). The general public just wants the disaster to go away. The doctors want to know why, what and, now, WHO is responsible.

E. coli is found in the guts of every mammal and is generally harmless. In fact, it is present in massive quantities: half of the volume of the normal bowel excretion is made up of their huge numbers. But when a good germ goes wrong, it can cause disease in the host or anyone who picks it up through contamination or lack of hygiene.

And E. coli 0104:H4 has gone very, very wrong, with, it would appear, quite a bit of help from its friends.

Mike Adams, the intrepid Health Ranger, revealed to the English speaking world that this extraordinarily aggressive E. coli (from a family of bugs which are normally passive and non-aggressive in the extreme) had been systematically genetically altered through laboratory manipulation, to be totally resistant to 8 classes of antibiotics.

Natural News Article Link:

“European health authorities are leaping at the opportunity to spread fear about organic foods while ignoring the obvious true cause of the contamination in the first place — the widespread abuse of antibiotics in animal farming operations… The e.coli blame game has become a circus of musical chairs. First, they blamed the Spaniards as a form of retaliation for Spain’s resistance to accepting GMOs. This act drove Spanish farmers into bankruptcy through a savage campaign of rumor-mongering. After ravaging the Spanish vegetable farmers, they began to randomly instill widespread fear about a variety of vegetables: First it was cucumbers, then lettuce and then finally tomatoes. And now, the blame has come full circle and is now being cast upon organic sprout growers in Germany!”

He pointed out, quite correctly, that without sustained and careful laboratory manipulation there would be no way for this organism to acquire total resistance to these drugs since the drugs are not used in agriculture and the bacteria would not encounter all eight of them in nature.

The only reasonable conclusion is that colonies of normal E. coli had been intentionally, systematically exposed to each of the antibiotics in turn and the surviving colonies had been propagated and then exposed to the next antibiotic. The surviving germs were now resistant to both of the antibiotics to which they had been exposed. The process was repeated until a super bug was created which would not yield to any of the antibiotics that doctors would customarily use to treat the infection.

This is the only rational conclusion to which the evidence points.

Of course, by who, and why, the altered organism was deployed has not yet been established. A psychotic graduate student with aspirations to be a mass murderer? A corporate ploy to discredit independent agriculture and force the total industrialization of food to keep it “safe” from contamination (that is, the organized intentional contamination of all food by the folks who make the agrochemicals and GMOs which allow more of them to poison us and the drugs that you take when you get sick from the food)? A dedicated globalist loyally pursuing the “great culling” of us “useless eaters”?

So what we knew was that a forced natural selection had been used to create killer super-super bugs. Now we know that genetic manipulation of the GMO sort has been used, as well. Truly, a weaponized bug if there ever was one…

Helge Karch, the director of the Robert Koch Institute (Germany’s CDC). who heads a consulting laboratory at the Münster University Hospital in Germany says that he has discovered that the super killer contains DNA from E. coli, which is what he expected. It also contains (unexpectedly for those who don’t expect such genocidal manipulations) DNA from the organism that causes plague, responsible for wiping out a quarter of Europe’s population during the Black Death (1348-1351).

Please pay attention here: we are talking about the Black Death. Seriously.

Bubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis and is one of the most feared of all disorders. So when Dr. Karch blithely assured the German population that there is little danger of an outbreak of plague from this organism, he is clearly whistling through his Spanish cucumber.

Although we all love to be reassured, there is no one on planet Earth who can reassure us that we are not already facing a new plague. This one, however, rather than resulting from an unplanned, but wildly toxic combination of rats, lice and history, would be the intentional outcome of an unnatural selection process and a high-tech genetic manipulation to create a death bug. A weaponized bug.

Deny the genocidal agenda at your peril. I, for one, can see no reasonable option to the conclusion that the mad [wo]men at the helm of the realm are consummate murderers, killing randomly for their own unspeakable ends.

A bright note, however: there is no way in which any organism can become resistant to nano silver. None. Faced with the presence of a plague, a weaponized super plague, an ordinary infection or a genocidal assault through organisms of death, I want nano silver on hand, lots of it. Nano-silver is a nutrient that supports normal immune system function.

Ah, yes, nano silver was declared illegal in Europe on January 1, 2011. Can’t use an illegal substance, now can we. The good people of Europe are expected to be good citizens of the New World Order and… just die.

Civil disobedience, anyone? Or perhaps the people are ready to fight for their silver!

I get mine, which is called “Silver Sol” at You should, too.

Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima –
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation

107 responses to “Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA

  1. amicus curiae

    theyve gone back to maybe?? cucumber country of origin unknown..
    the Yersinia strains,like E coli are many and varied.
    if it was Pestis the symptoms are wrong. even as a combo there should be more than kidney renal involvement Yesinia pnuemonae= the mystery deaths in Chinas village last year. clamped down on fast.
    consider the last HUS issue with kidney failure//
    china! and melamine.
    consider a massive amount of EU veg is picked by illegal workers who have NO health checks and live badly.lets face it no Occ health and safety applies either.
    they also originate from places where black market/watered down,fake antibiotics are rife, and many diseases like MRX TB is now spreading..
    and then WATER borne from wash water isnt mentioned either?
    that would be THE source for a multi resistant strain to begin, naturally, like the RR slime in the drain.all the combo drugs in the municipal waters..

  2. Pingback: Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA « THE INTERNET POST

  3. Pingback: Fukushima escalates to worse-case possibility « Indigenous People’s Literature Weblog

  4. Thank you for letting people know about this important story. General Bert Stubblebine, Natural Solutions Foundation President and his wife, Dr. Rima, have been warning us about weaponized pathogens for several years now. More here:

    • Stubblebine — head of psyops for the US military? As in The Men Who Stare at Goats?

      fantastically funny book, btw.

      That kind of training dovetails nicely into marketing.

  5. Pingback: Germany’s O104:H4 bacteria is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA » The Original N-D-N's Blog

  6. This article is nothing but an insidious marketing piece by this “Rima Laibow” fool. This person tells you how the next plague is upon us, and how no antibiotics can kill it BUT, Nano-Silver CAN, and JUST by chance is offered in copious quantities… through HER COMPANY, Natural Foundations…

    Why do you let people get away with this crap???

  7. Pingback: Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA | The Paradise Post


    • how do you capture the silver? do you immerse the silver wire into water?

      should deionized water be use or is tapwater okay?

      Does the chemical-electrical reaction emit smoke? Do you need to wear a face mask?

      • You tube …… how to make gold colloidal silver …. its dead easy, you need pure water , a DC power supply from 6 volt up to 32 volt , the smaller the voltage the longer it takes . Bought products are usually low in parts per million [ under 100] , the finished product by this method is in the hundreds of ppm , .The guy on the vid has an email & will reply to any quiries … hope this helps …. Dave in ozz

    • This method actually produces ionic silver, which is not without merit, but it is not colloidal silver

  9. I have no idea if nano silver is a good idea or not.

    Yes, Rima’s promoting a product, but so does Natural News in most of its articles, as does Dr Weil, Dr Mercola, and others. That doesn’t mean those products are bad or ineffective and promoting products doesn’t mean the article is off. It means they’re making a living off advertising revenues.

    (Something I’m going to have to set up to support this work, if I don’t land a job soon.)

    But I posted her piece because she supports what NatNews said, and this is corroborated by MSM.

  10. Pingback: The Progressive Mind » Citizens for Legitimate Government | CLG exposes and resists US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

  11. Pretty clearly yet another bioweapon, thanks for having the courage to say so

  12. Pingback: More on the weaponized EHEC – Bubonic Plague CHIMERA « LABVIRUS.COM

  13. Pingback: Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA » The Original N-D-N's Blog

  14. Pingback: Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA |

  15. Pingback: exohuman | Germany’s Superbug Weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA

  16. Funny how your fear-mongering leads to “buy quack sol silver”

  17. Pingback: Buebonic plague | Ysbsqaaksp1yd1

  18. I thank you for this valuable information, We won’t hear this on MSN. The info on the silver is helpful too. The choice as to where to buy the silver is your own choice. I can’t understand why people need to get so upset about the mention of where to buy silver .As if that somehow invalidates the entire content of the article. So they sell it. Get over it. It’s what they do. You have a job that no one tells you you shouldn’t do, Buy or don’t buy their product, I for one am grateful to have aproduct recommended by someone I can trust, and I have great confidence in the message. I’m going to print this out for my family and friends.

    • Righto, Dee.

      The only harm I could find on the internet from silver is Argyria, which changes the color of your skin and the sclera (white part) of your eye, turning them both blue.

      And, you can only get Argyria from a certain kind of silver. Here’s info from a researcher, Alexander G. Schauss, PhD:

      …you should be advised that we recently completed an extensive review of the scientific literature on the safety of silver, especially as it relates to its one known potential side effect, namely, Argyria. Argyia is an irreversible discoloration of the pigment (skin) caused by excessive silver intake or chronic exposure to silver by certain tissues.

      The amount of silver required to develop Argyria is estimated [by the EPA] to be 3.8 grams per day. By comparison standard 10 ppm colloidal silver contains silver in amounts equaling less than 1 milligram of silver (1,000 micrograms = 1 milligram; 1,000 milligrams – 1 gram), which therefore represents an amount approximately 1/500th to 1/1000th of the amount of silver considered to be a risk in the development of Argyria.

      Most cases of Argyria reported in the medical literature over the last 100 years involved chronic intravenous or intramuscular use of the silver preparations, most often involving a silver drug prescribed by physicians which in most cases contained silver nitrate.

      Other cases of Argyria reported in the medical literature involve application of silver preparations used for many months or years in the treatment of the eye or vagina for certain diseases.

      We could not locate a single case of orally consumed colloidal silver manufactured in the last 25 years causing Argyria in our review of the literature. This is probably due to the low levels of silver contained in such preparations, since only very small amounts of silver are needed for its antiseptic effect.

      Humans consume approximately 100 micrograms of silver every day in the diet. Additional amounts within this range would be considered safe by all reasonable estimates, especially if the amount needed to develop Argyria would be the equivalent of 380,000 micrograms (or 3.8 grams) of silver a day.

      As for the efficacy of silver preparations, we found considerable scientific evidence published over the last 75 years that a number of silver compounds can be effective germicidal (antiseptic) agents against several hundred pathogenic organisms.

      However, silver is not termed an antibiotic as some have claimed because an antibiotic by definition is derived from a living organism.


      Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D. Director, Life Sciences Division John Hopkins University

      [end quote]

      There’s a whole lot more info at that link, all from scientists.

      So, colloidal silver looks like a good choice, and Dr Rima recommends it against Germany’s superbug.

      • @Alexander G. Schauss, PhD

        Firstly, the good doctor referred to silver COMPOUNDS as being antimicrobial, without clarifying whether they are organic or inorganic. Then he concluded “So, COLLOIDAL silver looks like a good choice, and Dr Rima recommends it against Germany’s superbug.”. This leap from compounds to colloid is confusing.

        GeoBear went on to state “…most folks recommend a product that is 85% IONIC silver and 15% colloidal silver…”, without providing a citation. Who are “most folks” and how do we gauge the magic ratio? Note the three forms of silver.

        The efficacy of colloidal silver is questionable. Visit

        If colloidal silver is so useful, then perhaps people should be concerned about destroying their gut flora, which could prove extremely damaging to health. Why would silver destroy pathogens, but not friendly microbes?

        We need proof that a non-toxic, identified form of silver is efficient in killing pathogens. We also need details of how to apply it effectively.

    • Other checking revealed that most folks recommend a product that is 85% ionic silver and 15% colloidal silver. The clearer the better.

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  26. itsonlyausername

    It will come as a surprise to our Ms Laibow that the reason for the ban of nano silver in the EU is based on scientific evidence not mere control freakism and conspiracy theories. Read the following article from 2009 and take note.

    Now lets look at the bigger picture.
    There are individuals who would use such bioterrorism weapons to make a point, test the weapons success rate, start a war, start a scare campaign, manipulate markets and of course steer peoples attention away from the real arena of action and activity. Oh yes the conspiracy theories will be abundant but lets not get carried away with ourselves here.
    In Germany, as Rady pointed out, they have banned some GMO’s, decided to phase out Nuclear power, stood back from open conflict in Libya (I have an opinion on Libya which would be considered conspiratorial but then I doubt I am alone especially when all the evidence points to it being true) and some disagreements about the way Israel is behaving. So is someone trying to get even? Maybe and then again maybe not.

    As another poster on here said the conditions that the products are packed in could be easily contaminated but then so could the workers. Have any of them been affected? If so what has happened to them? What are their symptoms?

    Market manipulation is one major suspect. It was recently announced that the sale of organic food had influenced the markets positively despite the current financial downturn. This means that there are possibly some disgruntled investors or more likely if you want a conspiracy theory, a disgruntled industry who’s market share has fallen.
    So how do we reverse that?
    Simple. Either improve your own product (too expensive so very unlikely) or discredit the competition.
    To do the latter by verbal means alone would have little effect as most people who eat organic produce know how good it is for them and would never take the word of some disenfranchised nutter with a load of chemically produce goods and a bad ass attitude.

    Want to introduce even more controls over something? Then why not create a crisis to give it some weight? The easiest way would be to cause a real health scare, not a perceived one.

    Meanwhile the real action is on the further erosion of food freedoms and control measures. Then there are the even bigger moves to introduce GMO’s and chemical agriculture into developing nations with massive land grabs every day, especially in Africa.
    Why would that be important?
    Well we in the developed world do have a certain amount of influence on how things develop elsewhere and there are plenty of us around who have voiced our concerns at the way developing nations are being treated so if we are distracted by affairs closer to home then the developing nations don’t get our full attention until such time as the damage overseas is done and dusted.

    Add to this the current crisis in the Arctic regions over mineral rights, climate change and environmental destruction and the way the coporations are simply riding roughshod over the welfare of people and the planet and you can see why there would be a need for a smoke screen.

    But then what do I know?

    Now lets hear the conspiracy theorists elaborate this one.

  27. itsonlyausername

    Oh and one other point. We humans are great at considering ourselves when it comes to illness and the control thereof.
    We seldom think about the bigger picture. Take the impact of antibiotics on the greater environment. We have now got ourselves into a bigger mess than the one we initially set out to resolve.
    So much for being intelligent. I would call it being shortsighted, blinkered and very selfish.
    Where we should have considered the environment as well as ourselves we chose to behave selfishly.
    Now we are reaping what we have sown and it is highly likely that the current situation we are in has made us suitably vulnerable to an attack by another selfish human or humans with a hidden agenda.
    Fear is a great control mechanism.

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  32. Avoid superbugs in vegetables by ensuring you thoroughly wash vegetables and check the origins of your produce. Go and subscribe to my blog for other hints and tips!

  33. First they came after Japan (don’t forget about Toyota’s sudden ‘problems’ just before the ‘natural catastrophes’).. now it’s Germany’s turn. What do these countries have in common? Well first of all they had the strongest economies. Second they were THE ENEMIES during the last war. Apparently this can neither be forgotten or forgiven..

  34. Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA

    Is this true,? or is news now getting to be a hollywood production for entertainment only.

    Why if it’s true ; would countries import food that is weaponized.

  35. Pingback: Gleanings | Calling England

  36. population decimation by the powers that be, for world domination, duh

  37. PS: it is easier to dominate fewer people

  38. Pingback: Germany’s Superbug is Weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA | The Leamington Grower Dedicated to North America's Greenhouse Vegetable Grower

  39. The Colloidal Silver I produce is from home distilled water, charged with a silver electrode. These two pieces of equipment cost me around £1,000, so it’s not quite as simplistic and cheap to make as others describe.

  40. Pingback: Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA | Food Freedom « 2012 Indy Info

  41. Pingback: Extraordinary Aggressive E.Coli – Genetically Altered | VisionVine

  42. E Coli mixed with plague and used on food in a limited geographic area. Gives very concrete meaning to the phrase “MacRib Test”.

  43. Great article!!! Thank you ever so much!! Laura

  44. Nice article, i got many knowledge from it

  45. I make my own using purified water bought from a chemist, its only about £2 for 5 litres. Bought 2 99.9999% silver rods approx 5-6″ long each, cost £20. 1x 150ohm resistor, cost about 3p, 3x 9v battery connecters cost approx £1.50, 55mA LES bulb and holder cost approx £1.50. Connect 3 battery connectors together in series (red to black). Connect resistor AND black battery wire to 1 silver rod end. Then connect resistor to bulb, connect 2nd silver rod to red battery wire and spare bulb connector, Keep rods greater than 2″ appart and wait 1 hour.

  46. Forgot to say, the bulb will only light when the current reaches 55mA, this ensures particle size remains less than a few microns in size. Its slower though. After filtering, the water is clear not yellow, however, the water will take on a pigment from the bottle its kept in. It will turn yellow after a week or so in storage.

  47. Hello everyone,
    I fully believe this superbug is really weaponized and laboratory controlled by man of course. Someone, not something, is causing this E. Coli to spread into the food.
    I remember way back when I was in college, this terrorism expert spoke at my school and he said then, that there will come a day when terrorists will try and cause a bio warfare by poisoning our food supply, and I really think that day is now and we have to be concerned about what we buy and eat nowadays. There will be people who will try at all costs to terrorize our nation, even it it means weaponizing our food supply to make us sick. It will be done it very suttle means and ways.
    Anyway, that is my opinion. You can take it for what its worth.

  48. Pingback: June 6 2011 Headline News From | Alternative News Report

  49. Microbiology & limnology major here… I’m not buying it. There’s too many BS statements in this article, like “without sustained and careful laboratory manipulation there would be no way for this organism to acquire total resistance to these drugs…” Uh, yeah, there is, antibiotics are universally used in animal farming, and you can take it to the bank that the E.coli in question is being spread via contaminated water. It’s the only way this could be so widespread.

    I also don’t buy an uncited statement that some German doc has definitively stated this bug has Y.pestis DNA. Doc Karch is the real thing, but this outbreak has happened too recently for any sequencing. I call BS, hard.

    Lastly, colloidal silver; yeah, it”s great stuff, if you don’t mind the fact that it a) isn’t particularly effective for infections and b) will turn you into a smurf:

  50. Pingback: Bio-terrorism in Germany - Stormfront

  51. Pingback: Threat Level High and Climbing – You are the Target! | Wise Weirdness

  52. i doubt the super bug weapon scare………but the sun is ionizing like mad. so whatever out there is getting a heavy dose of ionizing radiation, the mutating kind. Take note of the fungus in Joplin MO.

  53. Pingback: Headlines | High Desert Permaculture

  54. Pingback: E-coli Bacteria In Germany Contains Plague DNA « That Mr. G Guy's Blog

  55. Pingback: Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA «

  56. This is something everyone should also know. MMS (Master Mineral Solution) has been proven to be a hundred times more effective than silver and is now sold throughout Europe as a water purification solution, but has been used throughout the world for the past 10 years to kill most diseases including malaria and cancer. You can order it on the Internet. It is the cheapest medicine so far. It will save your life. Look up Master Mineral Solution.

  57. Pingback: Vokiškas e.coli turi savyje maro DNR | Rush

  58. Thanks for your contribution to this thread, Jim. And to your development of this ‘solution’ – in more ways than one.

    More and more people are waking up to the need to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, and stop looking for that to a medical profession that has sold its soul to the pharmaceutical industry. Making a profit has become the prime purpose for their joint venture. Time to get back to the good advice of Hippocrates.

  59. Pingback: nuclearnuttery

  60. Pingback: Bubonic plague DNA in e.coli O104:H4? | The Bovine

  61. Pingback: Bubonic plague DNA in e.coli O104:H4? | The Bovine

  62. My take on this is the material was created in a lab then applied to various produce in numerous locations making it probably impossible to pinpoint the source. We have had outbreaks of poisoned food in Canada and it was quite easily traced within days. This appears to be quite different in many areas and causes me to have strong suspicions as to the mechanics of the source. For those bad mouthing someone selling nano silver get a life it is easily available on the net from many sources also do not negate MMS Sodium Chlorite since it is also available and can kill to date all known pathogens without harm to normal tissue when instructions are followed. We do not have to depend on pharmaceutical antibiotics at all when the other options work as well and no pathogen can build a resistance. Do your homework and save a valuable life.

  63. Pingback: Bubonic Superbug: The Coming False Flag, part 1 — The Umbrella Corporation « Kinetic Truth

  64. Pingback: Bubonic Superbug: The Coming False Flag, part 1 — The Umbrella Corporation (HD Video) /  We know and will tell you all what really happened today

  65. Pingback: CME Solar tipo M1, próximo Fukushima en EEUU y una Bacteria Recargada « Maestroviejo's Blog

  66. Point one.
    Biowarfare is an oxymoron. Here is further proof. I have presented this several
    times already.

    Germs have nothing to do with the origins of disease and are therefore useless
    as ‘weapons’ of war. War and healing are as far removed from each other as
    possibly imaginable, as we noted in the Preface. Hence biological warfare is an
    oxymoron, as we shall see shortly. We shall quote:

    ‘Of all the germ distributors, the most notorious is from before our time. Dr
    Arthur W. Waite of Philadelphia – not to be confounded with his British
    contemporary, Arthur E. Waite of the Golden Dawn – wanted in 1916 to kill his
    father-in-law. He turned out to be an embarrassment to medical science and by
    proxy to the bio-warfare industry.

    ‘In his lab, he had billions of germs, microbes, bacilli, bacteria and vira.
    ‘He fed the old man diphtheria and got no results.
    ‘Then he induced his father-in-law to use a nasal spray, in which he planted
    whole colonies of tuberculosis. Not a single cough was heard.

    ‘Next he fed him calomel, to weaken his resistance. He tried typhoid; he tried
    the flue. He tried pneumonia and dysentery.

    ‘He even sent the plague and when all these germs failed to do the intended, he
    went common and used Arsenic. That worked!
    ‘If anything, one gets the impression that diets and inhalations of germs,
    bacilli and microbes, bacteria and vira are good for your health.’

    (Fort C. The Book of the Damned)

    Therefore, the scare of biological warfare is but a scare – like Santa Claus to
    little children.

    Then again:
    Monsanto HQ USA, about one month ago among the lower echelons:

    “Now how about this little plan, my dear colleagues. Those organics people
    have far too much to say in Europe. We cannot get a foot on the ground and
    their influence is such that the French, the Germans,the Hungarians – yes even
    them – want a moratorium on our supreme technology, all because of the scare
    tactics by the organic movement, who say it is dangerous.

    “So I was talking to a few other friends last night – one of them used to work
    for the CIA. And we came up with a brilliant strategy. Since our interaction
    with Big Pharma is rather close, we were talking about how we could introduce
    one of their GMO bacteria in the plots of organic growers and make a few people
    very sick.
    “The means are simple, the cooperation of our parent companies guaranteed and
    the outcome will devastate organics. That is the objective. My CIA friend said
    it was simple enough. Passing by the fields is easy and having a spray pump to
    rain some bugs on those fields is even easier. So we have decided that this is
    a great strategy and can always be repeated, because they use excrement on
    their fields and the suspicion will fall on the dung they have used. We shall
    remain out of the picture that way.”

    “Agreed!” they all yelled and the plan was executed. The rest is history – or

    Monsanto HQ. Meeting between the CEO and his lawyers, condemning the lesser
    echelons who thought up this plan.

    “Here, look at this!”

    Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to
    produce human fatalities

    “What in hell have you idiots done! We may still get in trouble! Asking for a
    GMO bug to do the dirty work for you was about the stupidest thing to do. We
    all know that GMO’s are good, but they are not always appropriate measures to
    use. It requires only one smart investigator to point out the connection
    between Big Agribizz and Big Pharma and we will be under scrutiny.

    “The idea was brilliant, but you should have used an ordinary bug. When you do
    this sort of stuff, forget the GMO mindset for at least long enough to not make
    such blunders. MY attorneys here have given me the hope we could beat any
    charges – denial is always the best option – but that the link from GMO bug to
    GMO company is all too easily made. So you were smart, but acted like fools.
    “Now how do we limit the damage? Did you even think about perhaps needing
    damage control? Have you guys anything else than hormones in your head – bunch
    of cocky conspirators, and not enough between them to minimise damage. In any
    other company, you would be fired for incompetence. If we fire you bunch, it
    would arouse too much suspicion. So we’ll keep you on, but the next failure,
    you can let the door hit you on the way out.”


  67. Pingback: The Evisceration of Public Figures… « L.A. Marzulli's Blog

  68. Pingback: Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA

  69. To echo a previous comment: We need a citation about the “plague DNA” claim.

    Also bacteria can transfer DNA to other bacteria via plasmids. Even if the DNA is there, that does not prove that it was a laboratory created strain of bacteria.

  70. Pingback: E-Coli back in the news - bacteria contains plague DNA

  71. Pingback: US Bio-Attack On Germany Warned May Start Global Pandemic | The Total Collapse

  72. Pingback: Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA « Entire Family with Lyme Disease

  73. Pingback: Мой путь в интернете » Blog Archive » Серебро Nutronix Silver Solution защищает от кишечной палочки E Coli

  74. Pingback: US Bio-Attack On Germany Warned May Start Global Pandemic « Mystery of the Iniquity

  75. Argyria is from quicksilver or mercury. You better not use that.

  76. Pingback: June 19, 2011 US Bio-Attack On Germany Warned May Start Global Pandemic « All-out US-China nuclear war, looming, to wipe out one-fourths of the earth.

  77. Pingback: US Bio-Attack On Germany Warned May Start Global Pandemic | Pakalert Press

  78. Pingback: US Bio-Attack On Germany Warned May Start Global Pandemic | Pakalert Press

  79. Pingback: US Bio-Attack On Germany Warned May Start Global Pandemic « Zionist Outrage

  80. 672. E-coli, a bio attack (6/10/2011)

    Though Germany try to avoid artificial nuclear disaster attack by abandoning the nuclear power, it can’t escape from a bio attack. There is a wide E-coli outbreak in Europe which is considered the third largest in recent world history and maybe the deadliest.

    There is no doubt the target is the German. Though nine European contries were hit, virtually all the sick people either live in Germany or recently traveled there.

    The new deadly E-coli is a laboratory product. The anti-biotic bacteria used to fit one medicine to develop its immune then to fit another. How could it suddenly become a multi-anti-biotic bacteria.

    [quote]It’s never been seen before.

    It is immune to eight different classes of antibiotics.

    This means the original strain was exposed to eight different strains seqeuntially with each immune strain being exposed to the next drug until immunity was developed to that.

    This only happens in laboratories.;article=137311;title=APFN

    It’s a bio-attack so people can’t find the natural source. Secret agents can go here and there, from market to restaurant and spread the bacteria on cucumber or spruce or other vegetables. Media discorage such an effort:

    [quote] E.coli source may remain a mystery
    By E. Rising and M. Stobbe (A.P.) 6/2/2011

    Patients said they ate lettuce, tomatoes or cucumbers, but oficials testing produce across the continent have yet to find any vegetables with the particular strain involved.

    They might never find the cause of the outbreak. ” [/quote]
    (San Jose Mercury News)

    That is very true. They can never find the natural cause of the outbreak because it is an artificial bio attack.

    In my thread “BP Gulf oil spill is sabotage”, I said it was an extortion on Great Britain. The oil spill started in April 2010, lasted for months, maintain a pressure on Britain. It only stopped leaking when Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Cameron paid a visit to Washington to compromise with a secret deal.

    The E-coli outbreak in German started on May 1st, coincidenced with “Operation Geronimo”. On 6/6, Germany Chancellor Ms. Merkel has an official visit to US. She, must concede something to the US demand.

  81. there was abrief sound bite on Aus ABC news that theyd found a female worker…who was the carrier of the bug.
    now that makes the multistrain etc credible as humans HAVE HAD this strain before uk etc, its not new just rare.
    early 1900s australia had a Typhoid fever outbreak, many people ill took ages to find why?
    One woman carrier of it with no symptoms to speak of. “typhoid Mary” nickname, I guess its a wiki entry for those who want to go see.


  83. Bio attacks are useless, because BUGS DO NOT CAUSE DISEASE!

    Germs have nothing to do with the origins of disease and are therefore useless as ‘weapons’ of war. War and healing are as far removed from each other as possibly imaginable.

    Hence biological warfare is an oxymoron, as we shall see shortly. We shall quote:

    ‘Of all the germ distributors, the most notorious is from before our time. Dr Arthur W. Waite of Philadelphia – not to be confounded with his British contemporary, Arthur E. Waite of the Golden Dawn – wanted in 1916 to kill his father-in-law. He turned out to be an embarrassment to medical science and by proxy to the bio-warfare industry.
    ‘In his lab, he had billions of germs, microbes, bacilli, bacteria and vira.
    ‘He fed the old man diphtheria and got no results.
    ‘Then he induced his father-in-law to use a nasal spray, in which he planted whole colonies of tuberculosis. Not a single cough was heard.
    ‘Next he fed him calomel, to weaken his resistance. He tried typhoid; he tried the flue. He tried pneumonia and dysentery.
    ‘He even sent the plague and when all these germs failed to do the intended, he went common and used Arsenic. That worked!
    ‘If anything, one gets the impression that diets and inhalations of germs, bacilli and microbes, bacteria and vira are good for your health.’
    (Fort C. The Book of the Damned)

    Therefore, the scare of biological warfare is but a scare – like Santa Claus to little children.

    Do you know how Bacillus tuberculosis looks? Have you any idea how to identify Clostridium botulinum or Bacillus antracis, Yersinia pestis or Ebola virus? At any rate, the isolation of any of these germs is no sinecure for starters. These are not even the responsible germs, but they appear shortly after the outbreak of the disease. Contagion is supposed to work through the germs, but it does not explain why not everyone gets the disease. We already have refuted the notion, so those germs are not the real danger anyway.

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  86. Pingback: E.Coli Outbreak, Germany, Conspiracy

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