Tag Archives: corporatism

Joe Bageant Passes; Review of his last book on agrarian democracy

Joe Bageant, 1946-2011

After a vibrant life, Joe Bageant died on March 27 following a four-month struggle with cancer. He was 64. Joe is survived by his wife, Barbara, his three children, Timothy, Patrick and Elizabeth, and thousands of friends and admirers. He is also survived by his work and ideas. According to Joe’s wishes, he will be cremated. His family will hold a private memorial service.

Here’s his last post, on January 4, 2011, announcing his cancer.

Some Fight Back

A Review of Joe Bageant’s Rainbow Pie: A Redneck Memoir

By Michael Donnelly

This book is all about the post WWII shift from Maw and Pap’s agrarian democracy to the urban-dominated/techno/bureaucratic/ military/security/consumer Empire of today, showing how that shift and the resulting class stratification has led us to the brink of economic and ecological collapse, writes Donnelly.

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US Senate passes the Patriot Act for Food, S510, by a vote of 73 to 25

“There’s a rat in the kitchen. Here’s what I’m gonna do, Gonna fix that rat…”

Dec. 3, 2010 UPDATE: S.510 contains “unconstitutional” provision, goes back to the Senate.

By Rady Ananda

Today, the US Senate passed the Patriot Act for Food, S510, by a vote of 73 to 25.  We can expect to watch the raids on natural foods increase, and we can expect continued malicious prosecution of growers, like the 2-acre gardener in Georgia.

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