Tag Archives: food contamination

How Slop from Natural Gas Fracking Could End up in Your Food

Food that's not grown with organic methods may be sprayed with toxic sludge.

By Leah Zerbe
Rodale Institute

Sewage sludge, a common farm fertilizer banned in organic farming, could be laced with toxic chemicals from natural gas drilling

In the immediate, buy organic. Beyond that, push your reps to support the FRAC Act and a moratorium until hydraulic fracturing is proven safe.

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5 Big Issues with the Global Food System

By Vanessa Barrington


If you ask food experts like Michael Pollan, Marian Nestle, Gary Nabhan, Vandana Shiva, and numerous other writers and scholars what the biggest problems in our global, industrialized food system are, you’ll end up with a lot to chew on.

It’s difficult to separate the problems into discrete categories because everything is connected. Big problems lead to seemingly smaller problems, that, when allowed to fester, become open wounds – much like the foul waste lagoons on industrial pig farms that dot our landscape, or the actual wounds on human flesh caused by antibiotic resistant staph infections, which are a direct result of the overuse of antibiotics in livestock operations.

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