Tag Archives: Glyphosate

This Menace Killed 50% of Rats Tested – But It’s Hiding in Your Water, Air and Food

By Dr Mercola

Monsanto, the world leader in the production of genetically engineered (GE) staple crops, has long claimed that its broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup is safe.  In fact, they have even used the following slogans to describe it:

“It’s Safer than Mowing”
“Environmentally Friendly”

What we are now finding out — unfortunately long after hundreds of millions of pounds of the chemical have already been applied to U.S. soil — is that Roundup is proving to be a pervasive environmental threat, one that may already be poisoning a good portion of the world’s remaining natural water supply.

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USGS: Glyphosate pollutes air, rain and rivers in US

By Rady Ananda

Two new studies by the U.S. Geological Survey reveal the pervasive spread of the biocide, glyphosate, mostly used as a weedkiller for crops genetically engineered to resist it.

Used in formulations by Monsanto, Bayer, Dow and others, glyphosate has been linked to spontaneous abortions in livestock, birth defects in humans, insect resistance, and weed resistance.

Worse, regulators have known for years of these links, Earth Open Source reported.

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