Mothers to Protest FDA Criminalizing Raw Milk Nov. 1

Join the Raw Milk Freedom Riders

By Farm Food Freedom


“Don’t Turn Us Into Criminals over Milk!” Demand Moms

A group of mothers from across the country who feed their children raw milk plan to hold a demonstration to protest the FDA’s crackdown on raw milk production and distribution, arguing that the government campaign not only criminalizes raw milk, but criminalizes the American citizens who buy and consume it.

Prior to their peaceful demonstration, a caravan of mothers will cross state lines with raw milk and invite FDA to witness what the agency wrongly considers to be a criminal act.  Media are invited to ride along as embedded reporters to report on how the FDA responds to what it wrongly terms a violation of the law.

If you want to join the caravan contact ( or meet us at the rally! Don’t forget your raw milk banners and writing on your windows to let the public know you support pastured, raw milk!

Where: Across from FDA HQ 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD
When: November 1, 2011, 12pm – 3pm EST
Who:  Liz Reitzig and Karine Bouis-Towe of the Farm Food Freedom Coalition

Other Speakers Include:

Joel Salatin, Polyface Farm, featured in Food, Inc., Farmageddon
Mark McAfee, Organic Pastures dairy, largest raw dairy in the U.S.
David Gumpert, Journalist and Author Raw Milk Revolution
Max Kane, Fighting the state of Wisconsin for right to private contracts
Michael Schmidt, Staging a hunger strike in Canada re: raw milk access

Visuals: Cars decorated with pro-raw milk slogans, protest signs, moms and children drinking raw milk, moms handcuffed to gallons of milk, Federal law enforcers will be meeting the protesters.


FDA has engaged in several long undercover sting operations and raids against peaceful farmers and buying clubs. FDA is also pressuring states to restrict raw dairy access.

Under FDA regulations [21 CFR § 1240.61] implemented in 1987, it is illegal for anyone to transport raw milk intended for human consumption across state lines. That includes individuals purchasing it legally in one state and crossing into their home state.

Info about farm raids For additional information on raw milk



Support food freedom: Petition to Government of Canada
Did Canada just give away your right to choose what you consume?
Michael Schmidt on Hunger Strike for Responsible Food Freedom
Ontario convicts Michael Schmidt of over a dozen crimes for selling real milk


‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm
Wisconsin Judge Rules No Right to Own a Cow or Drink Its Milk

4 responses to “Mothers to Protest FDA Criminalizing Raw Milk Nov. 1

  1. YES! I love you people with all my heart. Mothers with common sense, natural passion and the truth.

  2. Amen! 🙂

  3. Thank you! Everyone involved in this, THANK YOU!
    We absolutely must have a choice in what we eat and drink!
    We must have a right to choose: ORGANIC VS MAN-MADE.
    …….or milk that has all sorts of chemicals in it: NEOTAME, that is added to cattle feed to make them gain weight. This goes right into the milk that we are drinking! It makes US gain weight and gives us a whole list of illnesses!
    Whole fresh unpasteurized milk is better for us – IT HAS NO SIDE EFFECTS AND NO STEROIDS! Most important: WE NEED TO HAVE THE CHOICE.
    I thought steroids – for athletes were against the law! Why have it in our milk?

  4. I love it when folks get together and share opinions. Great site, keep it up!

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