Tag Archives: Backyard hens

US pushing drugged, vaccinated, chlorinated chickens on the world

By Rady Ananda 

After over half a billion eggs were recalled from two factory hen layer operations in Iowa,[1] New York lawmakers proposed mandating vaccines against salmonella. [2]  Mainstream media then blasted this message across the globe.  Home to the biggest pharmaceutical and chemical companies in the world, the US is fond of throwing drugs and chemicals at the problem instead of addressing the filth of factory farms.

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5 Reasons Why Chickens Belong in Your City, Town, or Neighborhood

By Leah Zerbe
Rodale Institute

Backyard hens not only provide high-quality eggs, but also serve as master gardeners, organic pest exterminators, and unpaid city workers. Figure out if you have what it takes to raise chickens—they’re harder than cats but easier than dogs. If you do, choose location-appropriate breeds.

With the massive egg recall still in progress, you’re probably pondering egg carton claims in search of the healthiest eggs. One surefire solution: raising a handful of your own backyard chickens, giving you complete control over egg quality. Home-raised chickens may not be an option for everybody, but they are more of an option than you may think. Even if you live in the city, once you realize the myriad benefits a small flock of three or more hens can provide, you’ll start thinking of your non-chicken-keeping neighbors as the strange ones.

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